Electrostatic Liquid Painting Spray Gun Systems
Electrostatic Liquid Painting Spray Gun Systems



Electrostatic Liquid Painting Spray Gun 

Including electrostatic paint spray gun, dry filter paint spray booth and sandblasting machine, this manual Electrostatic Paint Machine package gives an easy and quick start of painting businesses. efficient and econimical solution for DIY coating rims, and other small objects such as bike and bicycle accessories.

CL-3009 Electrostatic spray gun

Liquid electrostatic spray guns have good painting performance in bicycle frames, which can save about 20-35% paint compared with traditional air spray guns.

Wide application: Wheel, car, wall, furniture....

CL-S-T1000 Small Paint Spray Booth

*Lower operating and maintenance costs than water filtration systems

*Lower initial booth capital equipment costs and installation as compared to a water wash booth

*Easy of operation as compared to a water wash booth
Reclaim systems are available to recycle powder coating finish, for example